The holiday season was getting us in the holly and jolly spirit. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but Santa, and his helper full of cheer.
Santa brought our gifts right to our door this year since the LM Christmas party was cancelled, because, Covid. The kids still enjoyed their gifts, regardless of a party or not.
We got holly and jolly with some good ole fashioned ornament making with friends. We made the dough, rolled it out and cut out the ornaments and cooked them in the oven.
Then the creativity began.

The mommas even got our art-on.
As the entire room (sans the Danish, who have not heard of it) were belting out the chorus to Sweet Caroline, we realized we may have bent a few covid suggestions, like a gathering of more than a few, eating together, no masks, and then topping it off with singing. Oops.
As the entire room (sans the Danish, who have not heard of it) were belting out the chorus to Sweet Caroline, we realized we may have bent a few covid suggestions, like a gathering of more than a few, eating together, no masks, and then topping it off with singing. Oops.
Despite breaking some Covid rules, we now have decorations to remind us of our time here in Korea.
We're babysitting Waffles for a few weeks. The doggies got holly and jolly, too.
Continuing with our holly jolly theme, we made some sugar cookies.Things started out great.
...Until we added the frosting.It turned into an episode of Nailed It.
Daisy had a great idea of marbling it to look like we meant creativity.
Daisy had a great idea of marbling it to look like we meant creativity.
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