Christmas Eve is just not the same when we are not at my parents. But we do our best to make it merry and memorable.
On Christmas Eve we all opened one gift.
We also opened one family gift, which was Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, which we promptly played. It got a little rowdy. There was even a little blood shed during the game.
Santa made it to our house on Christmas morning!
The stockings were full!

The stockings were full!
We were gifted a set of antlers from one of our sweet neighbors. There were five in the package, so we couldn't not wear them on Christmas morning. HO! HO! HO!

The first gift of Christmas.

The kids each wrote a sweet note with our gifts.

It took a while to get through all the Santa gifts, and then we moved on to the tree.
This guy was excited about his gifts.

So was this girl.

So was this girl.
Eli loved his Nintendo Switch, and he also loved that Zeke played with him.
We also played the second annual game A Whole 'Lotte' Fun. (That's a play on my friend Lotte's name, pronounced /lotta/. She's Danish and we learned the game from her.)

Before Christmas we all went shopping at the 4-story Daiso with W10,000 (about $10) but did not let anyone see what we bought. We wrapped the presents in private, too. To play the game, you roll a dice. At first we put all the presents in the center. If you roll a 6 you get to take a gift. Once all the gifts are gone, someone sets a timer. Then you follow the directions below.
Sometimes you have a bunch of presents, and then sometimes you have only a couple.
Eli bought this gift and he really wanted it. He and Daddy passed it back and forth several times, but Daddy actually had it in his possession when the timer went off.
He was kind enough let Lijee have Chumpski.
We're all holding a favorite gift or 2 that each of us won.
After A Whole Lotte Fun, we played Forbidden Island, which was a family gift.
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