Us girls like to check out all the local sights. Most often it is outside looking at flowers or hiking the mountains. But sometimes you just need a little girl time and wine. I had a long walk in the morning and then ran straight to school to sell raffle tickets, so I was ready for a little fun-filled get away.
How cute is this entry-way?

There are not a lot of grape orchards in South Korea, but that does not stop them from making wine!
The kiwi are grown right in Sacheon. Darae Wine claims they are recognized for the highest quality. The kiwis are fermented using low-emperature fermentation and aging techniques. When in comes to fermenting, the Koreans are experts. (Kimchi is fermented cabbage, and they use other fermented vegetables and call it kimchi, too.) Apparently kiwi contains a large amount of antioxidants, so we're gonna need to come back here often. Obvi.
[September 15]
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