I am always a little sad when summer ends and school begins. Saying goodbye to the lazy days of starting whenever we feel like it and doing whatever we want spent with three of my favorite people in the world always leaves me feeling a little emotional.
My kids are so gracious to humor me with back to school photos.

Daisy forgot something and had to run back, so the boys walked in without her.
There she goes, with her classmates Astrid and Maria.

After drop off I was feeling sad. As Chuey and Waffles and I were walking, today of all days I found this little heart rock.

While the kids are away, the mice will play. The mommies spent the afternoon with lunch by the pool. That certainly took away any sadness I was feeling at drop off!
Always thinking of and missing Grannie as we celebrate the first day of school with ice cream.Back to school is not as hard here as it is in America. I do not have to drive the kids to separate campuses, I don't have to drive the kids to gymnastics or scouts or guitar practice after picking up the them up from school, I don't have to start working my part-time job, and I don't start marathon Thursdays with work, bible study and bell practice in the evening. All that stuff is great and we miss it...but back to school is not nearly as dramatic without it. Here, Chuey and I walk across the street with the kids in the morning, then after our long walks I get to go play with my friends. I don't even have to be home in time to pick the kids up from school because they walk home. It's great!
[August 17]
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