Our scout boarded a small sail boat with about 10 other people and strapped on his sea legs for a week.
The scout base is located at Lower Matecumbe Key. Sea Base began in the early 1970s and has since been taking Boy Scouts sailing, fishing, snorkeling and diving.
Zekers sailed the high seas for almost a week straight.
The scouts took turns of two-hour watch shifts during the each night. Zeke took these pics as the sun was coming up from the last shift of the night.
The scouts took turns of two-hour watch shifts during the each night. Zeke took these pics as the sun was coming up from the last shift of the night.
Troop 9 had two boats full of scouts. This is the other scout boat. It was a little bigger than the one Zeke was on. They had bunk beds below to sleep in, while Zeke and is group slept on thin mats on top of the boat.
So calm. I love how you can't see where the water stops and the sky starts.

They did a lot of snorkeling. They saw a sting ray, nurse shark, and eel amongst the all the fish. There were also a lot of jellyfish that stung them a few times.
Ocean sunsets are hard to beat.
Zeke powered through a couple books throughout the week during the down time.
The captain taught them some sailing facts and skills.
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