The most predictable thing about Texas weather is that it's unpredictable. Texas decided it wanted to be upstate New York for a few days. Monday started looking bad, and ice and really low temps were predicted, so FWISD gave us the option to take our kids out early. About 1/3 of parents decided it was an ice day from the get go, therefore the teachers didn't really teach since their classes were empty-ish. Once I got the call that parents could get their kids early, I headed out.
Of course Tuesday school was cancelled. We had a jammy day with hot chocolate and movies. Can you guess which child stepped outside to check out the ice?
Yep. This one. He actually decided the ice was cold on his feet and put on his slides the next time he went out. I was a little sad when I saw the little neighbor boy playing in the ice.
Babies don't keep; the bigs poked their heads out just long enough to snap a picture.

Wednesday school was cancelled, as well. That was expected because we had a fantastic thunder ice storm Tuesday and it all froze during the night. Abe tried to go to work but he even decided it was too slippery out there.
Daisy and I started watching The Bachelor. She has wanted to for years; I finally decided she was old enough and we were getting pretty bored of being trapped inside.

Daddy used the recycle box as a sled.
Abe, Chuey and I got some pretty pics on our walks.
We were all going a little stir crazy by the end of the week. Friday by 11:00 the roads were almost entirely melted. But school was still cancelled because at 7:30am there was still some ice. So we basically had a spring break in January. It was a nice little re-set.
[January 29-February 2]
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