Monday, June 06, 2022

Elcru Crew

Sometimes apartment life is super fun. Like when several families decide to get together on a Saturday evening and a few other friends walk by and join, plus several other kids walk by and join and it becomes a party. 
Natalya anda Elayna love watching Chuey. 
The little kids adore the big kids. The little girls like to hang out with Daisy and her classmates after lunch at school, so they were super excited to get to hang out on a weekend. 
The PE teacher recently moved into the complex; he set up a volleyball net for us. 
We played volleyball, had some snacks and a few drinks until we got in trouble from the apartment manager for playing on the court too late and setting up a party outside. 🫣 So fun to be able to just walk home from the party, even if we were kicked out of the public area. 
Laura, Sandy, Ashlee, Trish, Soon

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