Cherry Blossoms - AKA fake bluebonnets
The birth of spring means bluebonnet picture time!
Seonjin Park - AKA Sacheon Fortress
This is our last year for fake bluebonnet pictures. I bribed the boys with McDonald's to get them to cooperate. It worked.

Baekcheonsa Temple - AKA Reclining Buddha
After a lunch break, Daisy, Chuey and I went to 백천사 Baekcheonsa Temple, or what we 미국 migooks call the Reclining Buddha Temple.
We have visited this temple as a family before, when we actually went inside. This trip we had Chuey, so we stayed outside.

This is why we call it the Reclining Buddha. The reclining Buddha statue represents Buddha at 80 years of age during his last illness. He was about to enter Parinirvana, which is seen as the greatest stage of salvation that is only attained by enlightened souls.

I impressed myself when I realized I knew what this statue is all about when we saw the largest ascetic statue in Korea. It is when Buddha first went into the wilderness as an ascetic. He fasted for six years, hence the emaciated look.

There is a little coffee shop on the premises, with a tiny little 'museum' inside. This 고려금동탑 Goryeo gilt-bronze pagoda is a replica of National Treasure No. 213.

This little guy was a cutie. Sadly he lives in a small little cage behind the coffee shop.
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