Girls trip!
This girls trip was the mommies and the daughters. Linda, Lotte and I took Susie, Astrid and Daisy on a shopping trip to Daegu for the day. Daegu is the 4th largest city in South Korea, with over 2.5 million residents in the metropolitan area. It is a couple hours away from Sacheon.
We started with lunch at No Brand Burger. No Brand is a generic brand that has a lot of items at the grocery store, including food and other goods. They have several products that I buy. Last summer I first saw the burger chain and have wanted to try it since. Look at the slogan:
Why pay more? It's good enough. 😂
At one point I tried to enter a parking garage that cork-screwed down to the basement. My big ole van was too big to make the turn and I got stuck for a hot minute. I nearly cried. Thankfully Linda got out and was able to help me maneuver out of that persnickety situation without side-swiping anything. (Yes, that has happened to me here. More than once. 😱 In my defense, the streets are very tiny and my van is very big.)
Big cities have Western stores that we are accustomed to shopping at. Consequently, we pretty much only purchase new clothes when we make specific trips to go shopping. These trips do not happen that often. Therefore, were busy shopping all day.
We first went to Lotte Outlet Esiapolis. We ended with 동성노 Dongseongno Street. It was quite the hot spot.
At the end oft the day we found some time for pictures.

Next time I want to ride the ferris wheel that on top of that building.
We passed the litmus test for fun. One of the girls realized her phone was missing when we sat down for dinner at the end of the day. After backtracking all of our steps, she realized it was still in the car...from several hours before. When a teen spends several hours away from her phone without missing it, you know a good time was had by all. 😊
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