Saturday, June 19, 2021

Out the Door With 9, 7, and 4

Just like that, another school year over.
Look how sharp they are in their formal school uni's.
The bigs received certificates for honor roll and high honor roll.

Our school is an International Baccalaureate school, and this year the middle school and elementary school earned certification for the Middle Years and Primary Years program, which lead up to the IB in grades 11 and 12. There are around 10 learner profiles, which are areas of personal development, as opposed to academic. The profiles include: caring, principled, risk-taker, knowledgable, thinker, communicator,  inquirer, open-minded, balanced, and reflective. The entire elementary awards one each of certificate, and the middle/high school does the same. My Daiser received the caring award.💖
Zekers was the recipient of the inquirer award.👊
The sport award was the final award. I joked with my friends that my kids would for sure receive this, because they are so athletic. {sarcasm} The teacher began to describe this learner, whom he said he admired. This child always had a good attitude, and although he was not the best, he never gave up trying. He said some other great words, too. I was thinking was an amazing child this sounded like and I wish that people would think so highly of my children. I burst with pride when he announced, "Zeke Daniels."

The 2020-2021 school year started the first half of the year with hybrid school. 
Due to government restrictions, because, Covid, campus was not at full capacity; this resulted with most of the classes doing online learning one to two days a week. Since I have three kids, that meant that I had to stay home four days a week. Needless to say,  we were happy when we got to go back to full time. When the kids were home I couldn't go exploring like I wanted, and I had to make lunch every day, but truth be told, I enjoyed having a one-on-one lunch with them. We watched TV during their lunch hour and had alone time that doesn't happen very often.
Of course we kicked off summer with our traditional last day of school ice cream. We sure do miss having it with Grannie. Eli's buddy Alex took her place.
[June 10]

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