Sunday, May 24, 2020

Mother's Day, Three Different Ways

My kids are all three so different, sometimes you have to wonder if they got mixed up at the hospital. 

Daisy told me days in advance that she was excited to give me my Mother's Day gift and I was going to love it! She even wanted to give it early, but we decided to wait until Sunday. Not only had my sweet girl made me a lovely, heartfelt card along with a spa day ticket, but she arranged with our friends to help her buy me two potted flowers! 
I love how thoughtful she is, and I appreciate the detailed, list-making, planning side or her.

Zekers came out first thing on Sunday morning and admitted that he didn't buy me anything but his gift was a big, long hug and he told me loved me. That was a sweet gift, because, teenager. His hugs don't come as freely or as often as they used to. He lets me hug him, but he doesn't often squeeze me tight anymore. 
That is my Zeke's personality. He doesn't do much planning in advance, but he jumps in at the last minute to get things done.

And then there's my sweet little baby. As the day went on and I was admiring my flowers, I asked Eli if he got me anything, knowing full well he had not. Being a quick thinker, he knew I wanted him to get out and ride his bike, so he said his gift to me was a bike ride together. 
That is my Eli. Not even realizing that he is missing something, but once it's been pointed out he pulls it off right under the wire.

Throw their type A, ultra-planning daddy in the mix, plus me who would rather fly by the seat of my pants, and we've got quite an odd little bunch. But they are my favorite people of all.
[May 10]

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