Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Sticky Situation

I have told you in the past how much Eli loves his sticks. A piece of one has been in the foyer behind the bench for a long time. Finally this week when I was cleaning I decided to throw it out. 

Recycling is super important here in Korea. We have several different bins to throw different types of  materials in at the dumpsters. 'Wood' is not included in those bins, so I set it on top of the trash cans thinking I would just throw it out later when I went outside. Rookie mistake. I should have taken it outside immediately.

Just a few hours later Eli and I were in the kitchen doing dishes. He looked over at the trash cans and froze, mid-dry.

Eli: What is that stick over there?
Me, in my head: Crap! What do I say so he isn't mad I'm throwing away one of his sticks? Play it cool. Just play it cool.

Me, out loud: What stick? Oh, that stick?
{blah, blah, blah, lots of vague words}

Eli: Where did it come from? What's it doing over there?
{blah, blah, blah, stick, stick, stick}

 I was somehow able to carefully defer from answering the barrage of questions directly. It was tricky, as there have been tears over broken sticks in the past.

Not today, Satan! After Lijee went over to check it out up close he decided it was OK to leave it there. Whew! Dodged a bullet on that one.

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