Every good and perfect gift is from above...James 1:17

Friday, August 19, 2011

Little Nuggets of Advice

Little people are a bit like God.  If you slow down and listen, you'll glean some good advice.

Scenerio 1:
Daisy walked over to Frito Pie, who was lying on the floor sleeping, and told me our doggy was thinking.  When I asked what she was thinking about The Daise answered, "Jesus." 
Lesson:  Trash in, trash out; good stuff in, good stuff out. 

Scenerio 2:
Zekers was talking to his sister.  "Boys like girls because they look pretty.  Daisy, you look pretty today." 
Lesson:  Girlfriends, take time for yourself so you feel 'pretty, and witty, and gay.'   The boys will like you.   (Yeah, I know. Now that annoying song is stuck in your head.)  Guys, tell your girl she looks pretty.

Scenerio 3:
Zeke and I were reading and the word immortal came up.  I explained it to him.  He quickly said he was immortal, and for a second I thought he totally didn't get what I had just said.  Then he explained it for me, very eloquently-- "I'm living here now, and when I die I'll live forever in heaven."
Lesson:  Accept Jesus as your savior and you'll be cool and immortal, kinda like those Twilight people, except not like a vampire.  And heaven is for real.

Scenerio 4:
A good bra can be used for much more than just containing The Girls.
Lesson:  Think out of the box-- enjoy the unexpected!

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