Here goes, I'm going to type this out loud: I like being pregnant. I know that's a little weird since I am 35 pounds fatter (yeah, that's not just all baby, either), feeling a little awkward like this baby could fall to the ground at any moment, and going a little whack with hormones. The reason I like it is because I love that God lets me take a part in this miracle going on inside my body. He could create new little people from nothing, like the original Adam. Or we could be oviparous and lay eggs like reptiles and birds and be done with it. But instead I get to grow a little person
inside my body. Not that I have anything to with it, really. Abe and I got the ball rolling about 9 months ago, and I have taken care of myself. But I haven't had to do anything; it just happens. Wow. It's one of the few times in life where I actually get to be hands-on with a miracle. So I'm going to say it one more time: I like being pregnant. But shh. That's our little secret, so keep it on the down-low.

**Disclaimer** Sorry I got a little sappy. I'm just days away from giving birth, and did I mention that whole hormone thing?
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