Saturday, November 12, 2022

Star Hill Cottage...Again

 After several weeks in the hometel, we got our stuff out of storage and moved back into our own house.
This guy, who does not like change, was glad to be back in his natural habitat.
Chuey was kept outside because the front door was left open. She wouldn't run away, unless something caught her attention, like a person, or a cat, or a dog, or a squirrel, or a grasshopper. She was terrified she was going to get left, so she couldn't even enjoy her backyard.
Our first meal back in our house.
So many boxes. And this is only the stuff that we left in storage. We were told to expect all of our Korean things in four months.  Thankfully it arrived in 7 weeks. Cramming two houses into one seems like an impossible task.
[August 3 and August 30]

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