Wednesday, September 15, 2021

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood - Seonghwangsa Temple

 Straight out of the apartment building, through the rice fields, across the road, and up the mountain.
The Ts and I took the doggies for a Saturday morning walk up Seonghwang Dangsan Mountain.
The mushrooms are beginning to pop out everywhere.
Along the way up the mountain, we came across Seonghwangsa Temple.
Worshippers leave gifts on the perfectly shaped stone pagodas.
I believe all the ribbons hanging from the ceiling have prayers written on them. You can purchase a prayer ribbon to hang.
There was an outlook area to view the city. Our apartments are the ones in the back center. Chuey and I often walk to the green hill you see behind the apartments, as well as all the way to the bay that you can see in the background.
The landscape in Korea is often done with many of the same type of plants/flowers in one area, which create a stunning look when they are all in bloom. 
Several black butterflies were hanging around these bushes, peacefully sucking the nectar.
The round trip was only a little over five miles. I love that there is such variety and beauty within walking distance of the apartment. 
[September 4]

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