Saturday, May 01, 2021

Something's Fishy - Changseon-Samcheonpo Grand Bridge

 Chuey and her BFF Waffles wanted to go on an adventure, so who are we to say no? We decided to go find a road labeled as Korea's tourist road, or something worded similar.
There is a sign just off the other side of the Changseon-Samcheonpo bridge that I have noticed when returning from Namhae. We tried it. It was definitely not a tourist road, but a dead end into the fish auction.
I have seen this ship-shaped building from the road, not knowing what it was. They were having a live auction. I couldn't understand a word of it, but it sounded a lot like, "Fifty, fifty, fifty dollars. Do I have fifty-five? Fifty-five. Fifty-five. Sixty. Sixty going once. Sold to the man in red."
I assumed the purchasers were restaurants owners.
We walked a little bit, but had to stop under the bridge because the edge ran out.
This red bridge was built in 2003, stretching 3.4 km. It is actually a series of 4 bridges connecting three islands. The names of each are the Changseondaegyo, Neukdodaegyo, Choyangdaegyo, and Samcheonpodaegyo. (Daegyo means bridge.) All five bridges present unique characteristics and were made of different construction methods. One site claims that it is 'Korea's top tourist attraction'...not only is that a stretch of the imagination, but almost a downright lie. 
It's a pretty bridge and all, but the top tourist attraction?
We crossed just over the road and down a bit to explore the other side.
The girls were loving it.
This side is a tiny little village. 
I liked the whale mural on the wall.
These are obviously fishing nets of some sort.
Look how all the hooks are stuck in there. I wonder how time consuming it is to do that and how many times you get poked?

[April 21]

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