Sunday, April 25, 2021

Eating On The Go

 Zekers is still working on scouting requirements while we are here in Korea, and he needed some work on a trail cooking badge. The requirement was to prepare two meals that he could take on a hike plus a snack. Zeke planned and prepped the food.
And off we went into the wild blue yonder!
Past school...
through Pruggio Park...
up 'Cardiac Hill'...
until we made it to the picnic area. 
Zeke boiled water and made some ramen for us plus more.
Then we sent these two home and we continued on. How cute are they, holding hands?💗
Going further into the wild blue yonder...
over the Jukcheoncheon River...
around the bay...
gazing at the mountains...
climbing the stairs...
noticing a lone baby cherry blossom left on a tree trunk...
pausing at a big rock...
strolling down the lane (the same lane I photographed under the cherry blossoms a few weeks ago--looks totally different now)...
across the grass...
appreciating beauty...
and finally stopping for an early dinner at the fortress.
And here we go, back again...
to the bay...
along the river...
through the rice fields...
until we stopped for hydration and snack.
Continuing on home...
past a farmer...
up the sidewalk...
and finally home. 
Hiking/cooking merit badge...✔
[April 11]

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