Sunday, May 14, 2017

Care For Me Dolls

Daisy's pullout GT teacher picked one group project to showcase at the FWISD Gifted/Talented Fair. She picked Daisy's group to represent Carlson! She is expecting, which may have had something to do with it. She said the project was so sweet it made her cry. Pregnancy hormones. It was a sweet project, though.
Daisy and her group decided to design Care For Me Dolls. The following is a direct quote from one of the creators: "They are dolls that are for people who are injured or sick. You get them and they're like you and you have to care for them. We thought that would help people concentrate less if they have a broken bone or something. They can take care of the doll in the hospital and be side-tracked."
Audrey, Daisy and Katheryn, the master minds behind the Care For Me Dolls.
I'm proud of my Daisy for combining her academic interests with her real life passion.

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