Saturday, January 07, 2012

Cinderella Or Somethin'

Whilst riding to dance class in her new tutu, Daisy proclaimed, "I feel kinda different in this dress.  Like Cinderella or somethin'."
Here are Daisy, Zeke and I at the Wildcat 'pepper ally' as Daisy puts it.  She kept calling her free pom pon her cheerleader.  We let the kids stay up late and watch the game with us.  We went to our bed to watch, and Daisy wondered how all those people were still there since it was bedtime. 
At first glance one may think that Daisy is running away from home, but she's merely taking her babies for a walk.
In her words, her babies like to go for walks.  (Even if they are zipped inside a suitcase with 3 other babies.)

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