Abe once told me that as I kept trying to snuggle up closer and closer to him. Apparently my love language is touching, if there is such a category. That's one thing about my kids that I enjoy--they just like being close to me. After I cleaned the shower today, Zeke the Streak jumped in with me and was helping clean the door. As I was showering, he was like a little window cleaner with his squeegee thing. But he just kept going over and over the same places, because, as I said, I was simultaneously taking a shower so it kept getting wet. Now and then he'd say excuse me, he couldn't feel any water. Daisy was right outside the door, putting my underwear that I had just taken off on her head. (Thank goodness I put clean ones on last night and this was the morning, so they weren't too dirty.--Oops. Did I just overshare??) After I finally convinced her to take them off she found Zeke's discarded jammies and put them on instead.
I love my little helpers, no matter how close they get!