Every good and perfect gift is from above...James 1:17

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Snow Days!

  Two weeks of Christmas break, two days of school, and then two snow days! And the bonus: Zekers was still home from college so he got to enjoy them with us.
Keeping on track with Texas 'snow,' it wasn't really snow. It was too wet to be snow but too flakey to be ice. It was, however, enough to make a sow angel on the trampoline. At least according to Eli.
There was enough snow to make a snowball to toss at your sister.
There was enough snow for Eli to make a tiny little snowman.
Zeke and Daisy thought there was enough to make snow ice cream. I'm not sure how clean that snow was, but they ate it. Eli had been making yellow snow in the yard, so I hope they stayed clear of that!
It gave us time for some family games, including Samurai Swords for the boys. So I'd say those two snow days were a DanFam5 win.
[January 9,10]

Thursday, January 09, 2025

12th Annual Hourly Envelopes of Fun

For the 12th year in a row, DanFam5.1 geared up for New Year's Eve with the hourly envelopes of fun starting at 12:00 noon.
12:00 noon 🕛 lunch at Kincaid's
1:00 🕐  balloon float 
 The object of the game was to keep the balloon afloat only by using party horns. Harder than it sounds.
2:00 🕑 obstacle course
The first activity of target shooting with a (very old) vintage BB gun actually took up the whole time, so target shooting was the only action for the obstacle course.
Daisy  hit the bottle!
Zekers poppen a balloon swaying in the breeze.
3:00 🕒 photo scavenger hunt
The one that stumped all of them was dog poo. Tooting my own horn, and Chuey's, that there was no poo to be found in the yard. She only goes potty on walks and doesn't like to get her yard gross.
4:00 🕓 Tik Tok video
We tried to recreate the video where Daisy and I wrapped our legs around the boys and then we all did the Macarena. We could not do it.
5:00 🕔 play Casefile
We got a new game for Christmas and had not played it yet. It's a lot like Clue but more complex.
6:00 🕕 make individual pizzas and 
ice cream snowmen
 creations from top to bottom: Daisy, Trish, Zeke, Eli
7:00 🕖 movie Pictionary with emojis
We wrote down several movies, then pulled them out of a jar. If it was your movie you weren't supposed to guess. They were so hard that everybody was guessing because we didn't realize it was our own movie. I may have been the biggest culprit of this.
8:00 🕗 'telephone' with texts
The idea was to write a really long text, then let someone quickly look at it, then retext and retext, like whispering a message in the telephone game. It didn't work very well.
9:00 🕘  one word compliments
We were supposed to write one word compliments for everyone, then draw them out of a bowl and guess who they were describing. But the kids started saying them immediately and we didn't write them down and it was over in 5 minutes. The up side: at least they had nice things to say about each other.
10:00 🕙 Psych!
We dusted off the game Psych! that we first played on NYE a few years ago. Unlike the first time, we did not incorporate the word 'butt' into every answer.
11:00 🕚 scratch off lottery tickets
Not one winner.
Little dog was ready for bed.
12:00 🕛 midnight toast
Daddy didn't make it to midnight. The rest of us counted down and started the year off 'on the right foot.'
Fireworks were going off all night. We went outside to see them at midnight.
Love my people and our little tradition of hourly envelopes.
Happy 2025!
[December 31, 2024]

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A Killer New Year's Eve Eve

 A Killer New Year's Eve was suspiciously celebrated at the yearly Reinhaw murder mystery dinner on the eve of New Year's Eve. One could call it New Year's Adam, if so inclined.
As the clan of fanciful neighbors reunited there was excitement and energy in the air until one fateful guest fell down dead.
Ashley, Val, Trish and Diane
John, Dave, Jason and Abe
We also celebrated Valerie and Ashley's birthday.
What a fun tradition!
Fashion designer Giorgio & his actress wife Kelly Luccini, their children Hunter the college hopeful and Billie the influencer, and actor Shayne all had motive and guilty stories, yet none of them committed murder. Or did they?
[December 30]

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Hear Me Roar

 Finally my time to shine! Or maybe I should say my time to roar like a lion.
I got an email to be a nurse for Special Ops: Lioness (you know, the show that I tried to be the mom on but Abe got the email to be the dad). 
It's about a military special ops team, so there were military jeeps and helicopters all around when I first walked up.
I started the day at 7:30am, in one of these trailers. They told us to line up at one point, and I happened to be at the back of the line. When I got to wardrobe, they said they were out of my size in the green nurse uni, so they game me a gray orderly fit instead. I felt like I got demoted before I even started.
There were probably about 50 of us extras. We went inside and changed into our uniforms, and then went to hair and makeup. I didn't need much hair to be done since it was under my scrub cap, but they pulled it up nicely so that it stayed there all day.
Then we were bused a short way to the hospital. Most of it is still a functioning hospital, but part of it is not being used. That is the part that we were in.
All of us extras were herded into the holding area on the first floor, where we sat for maybe 30 minutes. By this point it was already three hours or more since we first reported.
We were all on the edge of our seats, hoping to get to go through these magical doors and up stairs to the actual set.
The dude in charge of us finally came out and walked to the middle area of all the extras. He then started pointing to people--you, you, you, ummmm, we need another doctor so you, and you. We were all dressed in lab coats as doctors, green scrubs as nurses, gray scrubs as orderlies, and gowns as patients. He took about half of us, but since the dude started past where I was sitting, I unfortunately did not get to go upstairs to set with the first wave.

We waited a couple hours more and he came down again. He said he needed a couple more people so I jumped up and said, "Me!!" About 10 more of us finally got to go to set! As soon we stepped off the elevator, we could hear someone yelling. It was the star of the series, screaming in her hospital bed. All of the extras on set really looked like hospital people who knew what they were doing. 

We were led around the corner and silently waited. And waited. I was handed a clip board to look official.
And we waited some more. Then they said we were breaking for lunch. We all went back downstairs and walked across the parking lot to a buffet outside. When we were finished eating, they called everyone who was upstairs before lunch to go back up. So I made it back to set again! 

After more waiting, they finally called the rest of us to be in the scene. I was standing at the corner behind a counter, having a conversation with a doctor about something on my clipboard that we kept referring to as we mouthed words, shook our heads and used hand gestures whilst walking away. 

One of the main guys was walking right by me saying, "We all have families, Jim." He then walked into the corner room where the main character was lying in bed.

After I finished walking away, the director would yell out, "Still rolling. Reset." And we would go back to our spots, they would say, "Background," and we would start our movements. Next they say, "Action!" and shoot the scene again. We probably did it maybe 8-10 times.

Then I silently waited around the corner a bit more until they called us back. We shot one more scene that was chronologically before the one we already shot. So we had to think of what to do so that we would finish where the other scene started.

If you can see me at all, it will probably be my shoulder or the back of my head. Honestly, I'm not even sure if I was in the shot.

Then we went downstairs again and they called up the people who had been setting there for about 11 hours and they got a turn at a new scene. A while later, a different guy came in and said he needed about five ladies. I jumped up. He took us outside and in through a side door. We ran up the steps and quietly snuck onto set again. I saw Nicole Kidman doing a scene in the same hallway that I was in earlier.

The guy continued bringing us back around the corner and told us to go into the snack room. There was a small buffet and snacks in there. He told us to grab what we wanted. At this point, I thought I was going to be in another scene. But alas, after we grabbed a snack he brought us back down the secret side stairs and back into holding, taking another small group up for dinner.

These are the stars of the show. I saw all of them on set, except one--I just heard her yelling from the bed. The guy on the left is the one who kept walking past me.
We finished at 9:00pm, about 13 1/2 hours after reporting. I believe I was in S2 E7, which is set to air December 1. I am not supposed to post anything about the show beforehand, so I will wait until it has been aired to post this.

And that's a wrap!
[August 16]